Hackett and Hackett

Business Travel Abroad

As a company that are proud to serve a number of corporate clients who travel, we understand the importance of a thorough organisation. At Hackett and Hackett we offer a service that’s focused on making sure the client arrives safely and on time at their destination, whether it’s at an airport or another location in...
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How to Avoid a DUI this Party Season

Hire a Chauffeur to Avoid a DUI this Party Season With party season just around the corner, it’s hard to resist a sociable drink with work colleagues, friends and family. Many people think it’s safe to drink and drive, “I’ll just have one” some people say and think it is okay. Not only does drinking...
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Black Friday at Hackett and Hackett

With the Christmas season well and truly here, at Hackett and Hackett we’re pleased to announce our special black Friday offer and that we’ll be providing a 10% discount off our London chauffeuring services. The offer is valid between December 2018 and January 2019, for all new clients. Simply quote the offer ‘HAHXMAS’ when booking...
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